Core Values
We strive for excellence in all aspects of college life and take pride in our long history of academic achievement and community service. We stay involved in the Pennsylvania State community by organizing a series of charitable events, hosting social functions, and serving in leadership roles across campus life.

The creation of lifelong friendships is a primary benefit of Fraternity membership. The Fraternity fulfills the need of students to belong to an extended family and frequently provides the opportunity to enhance those personal relationships through group living situations. As Brothers, our members have an obligation to have a caring concern for the welfare of our members. Brotherhood is a lifetime commitment; therefore, we should encourage strong alumni-undergraduate relationships for the mutual benefit of the students and the alumni.

The Fraternity is committed to fostering a close cooperative partnership with all colleges and universities where its chapters exist. The Fraternity should promote academic achievement and assist each member to achieve his academic potential. By helping members adjust to the college environment, we can help them pursue their degree goals. Co-curricular activities can be as valuable as the classroom experience; hence, the Fraternity should promote involvement in all aspects of campus life.