
Question of the Month
What was Kappa Sigma known for when you were in the house? And yes, photo evidence is welcome. CLICK HERE TO ANSWER AND WE’LL SHARE THE REPLIES NEXT MONTH

Where in the World Are Kappa Sigma Brothers
Have you used our Alpha-Delta Chapter directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for other brothers.

Kappa Sigma’s New Years Resolution
How many of us set New Year’s resolutions goals each year, only to forget about them halfway through January? We know we are guilty of that! But this year our goal is to help Kappa Sigma brothers stay more connected. Keep reading below to learn of upcoming events and get some tips on how to stay better connected as we head into 2022.

Throwback to the Good Ole Days
Who doesn’t love a good throwback photo? Well, we sure do have some throwbacks for you! Check out this photo Alexei Hooks recently sent in of Kappa Sigma from back in the day.

Kappa Sigma is thankful for you
With the giving season upon us we want to thank each of you for your commitment to Kappa Sigma. Whether it be through donations or getting involved in our alumni events, we are thankful for your support in more ways than one.

Photo Flashback: Alpha-Delta Chapter in the ’70s
This month we are taking a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the ’70s! How “radical” does this Kappa Sigma hangout look? Were you there? Or have any great photos to share? Click “Read More” for some trivia that will take you right back; plus, learn how to share your own flashback pics.